Check the link below for support that best fits your needs.

how can i help?

There are a variety of supports from individual to team training and trauma informed care. Click the link below that fits your needs.

in-house 6 ce training for the entire team

  • Have you noticed an increase in the number of patients who are anxious or fearful in your practice?

  • Do you want to know exactly what to say and do to work successfully with anxious patients as well as stressed out teams?

  • Are you ready to work with at team that is more connected and supportive?

  • Do you want to experience more ease, balance and

    fun at work?

online 3ce webinar for the individual provider

  • Has your post-pandemic schedule become full of difficult patients?

  • Does working with those patients stress you out?

  • Is it more difficult to work with teammates these days?

  • Are you tired o working with cranky people and feeling wrung out and exhausted after work?

Free Resources for your assistance

  • Would you like to know how to create easy positive connections with your patients and teammates?

  • Do you want to know which behaviors and medical conditions are potential signals of dental anxiety and how to manage them?

  • How can you stay grounded even if others around you are not?

"We have accepted dental anxiety as a necessary evil. I submit that this is incorrect."

Patients can harness skills to develop agency and cultivate resiliency to pursue and achieve oral health goals.

Practices can successfully provide treatment with confidence and more ease than ever before.

We can create a win-win situation and long term positive relationships between patient and provider.

Yvonne Posey

- Trainer, Speaker, Registered

Dental Hygienist

"Many Who Struggle to Access Dental Treatment Have Something Surprising in Common A Body/Brain Response to Negative Experiences that are Stored in the Nervous System."

Difficult or traumatic experiences (in or out of the dental setting) can reshape the brain and the body. When it is difficult for someone to access treatment this may highlight the signature those experiences

have left behind.

As a human, you have the ability and the amazing opportunity to give or receive support to safely and successfully complete treatment. This is made possible by understanding and applying the "science of safe relationship."

Yvonne Posey

-Trainer, Speaker, Registered Dental Hygienist

"Understanding the Neurobiology of Trauma Is a Game-Changer."

When we understand and articulate the unconscious biological responses to the triggers that manifest as dental fear and anxiety we can develop a new relationship with these systems and heal them.

As a human, you have the ability and the amazing opportunity to give or receive support to safely and successfully complete treatment. This is made possible by understanding and applying the "science of safe relationship."

Yvonne Posey

- Trainer, Speaker, Registered Dental Hygienist

The Science of Safe Relationship

in Healthcare?!

Why is it that some healthcare professionals know just what to say, when to say it, and how to say it to make us feel better? Why is it that some people can just look at us and know we need a little extra support?

It's because these people, either by explicit or implicit training, have learned to read subtle body language cues, know how to collect and "read" medical histories and understand the huge impact that lifestyle and current life circumstances have on the treatment relationship They then can sit with us in an uncomfortable environment or emotional state until we feel safe enough, to be honest with them about where are and what we need. When we feel that level of safety we can work with our provider to achieve our health care goals.

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